Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Grizzly chartreuse-yellow clouser (minnow imitation)

I've been having some good responses to hackled fry imitations recently, something about the air-trapping qualities of the packed barbs maybe? Well I thought I should diversify my current tropical patterns and tie a hackle-sporting clouser variant.

Grizzly chartreuse-yellow clouser (minnow imitation)

Here's the finished pattern, tied on a F314 size 4:

Step 1
Start off with a loose sparse wrap from 4mm behind the eye down to a point opposite the barb. I'm using 6/0 uni thread as I like the accuracy but it's good to use a higher grade also.

Step 2
Secure approximately 2 & 1/2" of chartreuse-yellow mixed with a few strands of Angel Hair. Substitute the angel hair with any similarly sparkly material. Ideally about 1/2" should protrude beyond the crook of the hook. Secure the chartreuse evenly around the hook-shank, forming the body, up to a point 5 or 6mm from the eye.

Step 3
While at the head, tie in and secure firmly a pair of dumbbell eyes, I'm using 2.5mm here, 3mm would also suffice. Return to the rear and tie in 4 inches of Pearl Mylar, 5 inches of 1.5mm copper wire and the grizzly hackle. Return with securing turns to the head.

Step 4
Neatly turn the mylar towards the head and secure with 2 turns of the uni-thread. Now wrap the copper wire towards the head leaving 1 to 1.5mm gaps. Approximately 4mm from the dumbbell eyes, tighten the copper turns into touching coils, this will increase the weight around the head area. Secure and trim, it's a good idea to add a few extra turns, covering any sharp edges at the end of the copper wire.

Step 5
Secure the hackle using pliers and make neat turns between the copper wraps in the same direction. When reaching the touching copper wraps, make ample turns and secure and trim to end. Now angle the protruding chartreuse-yellow back towards the crook and secure with 4 to 5 turns.

Step 6
Pinch-in 3.5 inches of off-white polar hair and secure with 3 turns. To aid in creating the head cone, trim the polar hair about 3mm in front of the dumbbell eyes. Add sparse, tight turns across the entire head area to secure all materials. Whip finish and trim the uni.

Step 7
The final step is optional, depending on the thread chosen to tie-in the materials. Using higher grade chartreuse-green thread, I've created a smooth cone head. The same effect could be achieved using Bud-Bond or Veniards Floo Gloo, head cement etc. Whip finish and varnish accordingly.

The completed grizzly clouser.

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